søndag den 12. april 2009


He said everything is nearly finished by now, but I don't see it. He promised some good concrete news are coming, but I don't see it. I'm losing faith in this wonderful gentleman.

Yeah, it has been quite a few years now. At least, 2 years. I can still remember the cold summer night, the noise from my left side, the turn-around glimpse. Now all the miracles have gone, only a blank period remains. What have we both done in these two years? It has been miserable, for us.

I only have had a quick glance at the place you're staying. It's all dark, it's almost indoor. I never heard any sound. It's all rubbish.

He said 2 months, only 2 months, then all the waiting is worth. hmm, let's see what will happen.

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