søndag den 26. april 2009

Mysterious calls

got a number of mysterious calls lately, mostly from one guy.
This guy, whom I met on street only for 5 minutes, keeps calling.
I know he's not a honest man, well, I'm not so sure.
Anyway, going to dine with him on Tuesday,
see what may happen, or what he will say.

hmm....maybe it's because I'm a bit dry? :D
seriously, no such thing can happen.

another call from a guy from Ghana.
surprise, surprise.
and, connection was bad so we ended the talk on phone.

oh, what a weekend,
with all the gigs cancelled due to the gloomy rain.

lørdag den 25. april 2009

Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence

I've been listening to this song, by Hikki.
The song was actually written by a famous Japanese composer, who also starred in a Japanese old movie filmed in 1983 called Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.
The story chilled me.
It's between cultures, countries, relationships.

Life is like that.
so mates, merry christmas.

Phonograph night with Sze Hang

we sat down and drank together.
your height changed a bit, but not the expression on your face.
eyes were still gloomy, mind was still packed with loads of thoughts.
you told me you disliked talking,
so we sat with your voice absent, and mine present.

we performed on a night bus gentlely.
played about 7 or 8 songs together,
no one clapped hands or watched us,
but we just enjoyed ourselves.

we live in our little world,
share our very same feelings.
I guess, no one can understand, the thing between you and me.

fredag den 17. april 2009

new idea of painting

feel like painting,
a new concept is in mind.

white background, with grey/black faces, bodies.
twisted, deformed, disabled.
without mouth, or eyes, or ears.


I become more sentimental, can cry over tiny things like
and memories.

The words we speak to each other are getting shorter,
and eventually we will be mule.
There are always two reasons for that,
either we can communicate perfectly with hands,
or we are speechless.

onsdag den 15. april 2009


I didn't say goodbye,
I am never good at that.
So we just walked silently,
like nothing happened.

The older we grow, the less honest we are.
We are getting to know more about the rules,
so we stop acting what our hearts tell us to do.
We become safe, we are no different from others.

Time cures and hurts.
In most cases, the later is more accurate.
Feelings fade, faces change, as well as hearts.
Life is controlled by time, the actions and the feelings.

tirsdag den 14. april 2009


eyes were on him mostly.

when I lose confidence, I make phone calls.
when I daydream, I make phone calls.

but none will happen like those in WKW's films.

mandag den 13. april 2009


All the memories are fading,
like Damon said, it ends like that.
these 2 years are like a blank page of my teenage life,
or maybe some stains on a white paper.

tonight I'm listening to Jonas again.
how long have I forgotten about him?
This song still chills my heart out.

Wong Kar Wai probably is the most romantic director,
lines written by him are always romantically nonsense.

søndag den 12. april 2009

the scene

Cop663: Would you let a person on board with a boarding pass like this? It's dated today, but it got blurred in the rain. I don't know where it's taking me. Do you?

Faye: No idea, but I'll give you another.

Cop663: Great.

Faye: Where do you want to go?

Cop663: Wherever you want to take me.


He said everything is nearly finished by now, but I don't see it. He promised some good concrete news are coming, but I don't see it. I'm losing faith in this wonderful gentleman.

Yeah, it has been quite a few years now. At least, 2 years. I can still remember the cold summer night, the noise from my left side, the turn-around glimpse. Now all the miracles have gone, only a blank period remains. What have we both done in these two years? It has been miserable, for us.

I only have had a quick glance at the place you're staying. It's all dark, it's almost indoor. I never heard any sound. It's all rubbish.

He said 2 months, only 2 months, then all the waiting is worth. hmm, let's see what will happen.


昨晚躺在沙發喝著伏特加, 同時眼睛離不開螢幕上的梁朝偉。

北京的亞寶 (是Bo Madsen更佳) 說可能七月可給我住宿, 但一切太早了。

電影節生涯完結了, 由北歐開始, 由北歐結束。

今年的芬蘭電影是最好看的, 其餘的都令人失望。

這個假期過得很充實, 也很懶惰。



在white noise買到的Detektivbyran專輯, 真走運。上次險得要Peter遠在瑞典幫我訂購。

某天假期和容潔頓覺口淡淡, 經過這涼茶鋪, 買了兩杯又便宜又好喝的涼茶, 至今仍成佳話。

早上八時出發直到十時才到的鐵皮大排檔, 招牌菜鮮茄牛通和蜜糖脆脆真令人回味。

原來哥本哈根是這樣容易在街頭得到, 它成了一份實在的禮物。

fredag den 10. april 2009

torsdag den 9. april 2009

lovely suprise from behind

in early summer we sat on the grass and began our lovely day,
with singing and eating, playing and sleeping,
with kites soaring above the sea.

søndag den 5. april 2009


1) 不尊重電影
2) 戲院不是餐廳
3) 紙袋很吵
4) 好大陣味
5) 食野摺摺聲




torsdag den 2. april 2009


優雅的天平在燈紅酒綠中微笑轉身,顧盼神采,灑脫如同水中的魚。他們與紅酒,水晶杯,晚禮服,鋼琴曲是那麼的相得益彰,漫不經意的吸引著公眾的眼光…… 幾乎所有人都有這樣一種印象: 天平座的人善意、可親,愛交朋友。於是大家也由此認為天平是群居生物,必然是害怕獨處,喜歡熱鬧的。

但,事實並不是表面看來那樣簡單。 的確,天平是個和平使者。在公眾場合可以很好地調節氣氛使之均衡。氣氛熱烈時,他們會沉靜的壓住陣腳;氣氛冷凝時,他們會運用不著痕跡的輕鬆幽默化解堅冰。總之他們不會隨波逐流去助長氣氛的冷熱,而是像用天平稱量物品一樣,加減砝碼,使之維持水平狀態。

而他們在做這種加減的時候,動作是優雅的,態度是和悅的,看起來漫不經心不動聲色。實際上,他們是很有心計的人,儘管眾口難調,也可以找到一種萬全的方式來使全局和諧起來。 但是這並不是說他們喜歡主宰,只是因為他們看不得失衡,那會使他們如坐針氈。因此,儘管慵懶的天平座討厭麻煩,討厭得要命,他們還是會不由自主地擔負起調節的責任。也許正因如此,使得天平在公眾場合從未放鬆過自己。性格使他們承擔了不必要的責任,無可推卸。

他們不吝惜金錢,卻吝惜自由的時間和安靜的休閒時光。像所有風向星座一樣,他們喜歡自由,喜歡像風一樣誰也捉不住他。 他們喜歡自在獨立的空間。就算你是他最好的朋友,也不要老和他粘在一起,你要知道他並不喜歡如此,儘管他不會直接說出來。你也得相信,你的天平座朋友也許半年也沒有音信,但是只要一見面,你還是他最好的朋友。因為他就是這種交友方式,你拿他怎麼辦?

"我懶得……" 這是天平座的口頭語。他們懶得出門,懶得聚會,懶得應酬……所以他們並不是很喜歡參加party。倒是寧願呆在家裡上網,看書,畫畫。他們自身是均衡的,一個人的均衡總比一群人的均衡來的容易。所以他們喜歡獨處。 通常,天平座的人會給人一見如故的感覺,因為他們有著溫婉的微笑和優雅的舉止。對初次見面的人,天平座往往表現出自己最討人喜歡的一面:善解人意,大方,誠懇,健談。但是這種熱情勁兒不會長久。冷漠何時到來取決於你與他交往的頻率。你越是粘得緊,他就冷得越快。因為他們喜歡"君子之交清淡如水"。不是他們不喜歡同伴,而是他們和人交往更多地關注了對方的情緒,總想著照顧對方心情,不要發生衝突,所以感覺像是在工作一樣,無法真正的放鬆。


他們控制情緒的能力太強了。最親近的人會感覺到,天平給人不露聲色的隔離感,有時會被埋怨"太冷靜了,我都不知道你在想什麼!" 可是他們不是故意要隱瞞什麼,只是出於本能。一個連自己都騙過了的人,你還能要求他對你坦白什麼? 他們不喜歡歇斯底里,不喜歡痛哭失聲,不喜歡安慰別人也不怎麼喜歡被安慰。因為他們懂得,誰也無法真正理解另一個人。 天平,其實是很獨立的一個星座。他們在霓虹燈影裡微笑,在燈火闌珊處寂寞。他們叫你懂得:孤獨的最高境界是繁華。