tirsdag den 14. juli 2009

No more stories are told today

It is on its 7th play, it is growing on me. From the massive rock sound to the harmonious melodies, his voice is still fragile and soft.

The boys have changed a lot, it is still an amazing album though.


The setting was the same like a few days ago, the fan moved from left to right. I was lying on the brown couch from dawn to dusk, in this small room filled with damp air. I don't know how long it has been like this. I always had a book in hands, a blanket covered my half naked body, and music from either bedroom or the player in front of me.

Today the book was Almost Transparent Blue by Ryu Murakami, the blanket was green with flowery prints on it, and the music was the latest album by Mew, which the name is actually a childlike poem.

I have not chewed anything in these 24 hours. I forget the feeling of chewing, and even am too tired to chew. I just need a drink, a strong alcoholic drink, to keep me from staying awake, from feeling terribly lonely in this gloomy damp hot afternoon.

mandag den 13. juli 2009


it is heartbreaking to hear their discussion,
from Manchester to London, from Finland to Denmark.
I cannot be one of them.

onsdag den 8. juli 2009


昨夜靜默無言, 只有冷氣機和鼻孔發出的呼呼聲。一切看似也是平靜, 然而腦袋卻不斷運轉翻騰, 想盡了辦法離開這狹小而侷促的密室。這既親切熟悉又可憎冷漠的小居室, 今夜瀰漫著不安和憤怒的情緒。我查看著回鄉證, 過期了; 我查看著特惠機票, 過期了。哥哥在黑夜中唯一一件會發亮的螢幕給我寫道幾句, 然後眼淚掉下, 手臂也多了幾條血痕。

已計劃好了, 手機將賣掉, 電腦將賣掉。拿著錢, 到火車站去。

mandag den 6. juli 2009

from The Lake - Lamartine

You favourable hours, pause in your flight!
O time, pause on your way!
Let us enjoy the transient delight
Of this our fairest day!

But vainly do I beg time to delay;
It slips away in flight;
I ask tonight to linger on - yet day
must dissipate the night.

søndag den 5. juli 2009

gloomy summer and delightful winter

Suddenly my memories of Carl come back tonight,
he has been gone for weeks now.
Meanwhile, our conversation grows shorter too,
like strangers again.

This is a sign of withering.
Everything dies in winter, and revives in Spring.
This is just another way round,
and still, the nature is the same.

lørdag den 4. juli 2009

Good days

I'm never a sporty person, yet
I enjoyed squash alone in the morning,
followed by a big nice breakfast at Supersandwish,
a little meeting with Chishing,
and two hours at cafe (finished a book too!)

The book is just a pure coincidence.
Picked it up 1 year ago, amazed by its cover and size,
brought it home without knowing the content.
Then saw two of my fav. writers were mentioned in the book,
and David appeared to be a female nude painter.

These were all from yesterday.

The girls came here again today.
It's like a rule for us,
to drink, to watch porno, to play guitar.
Eventually we also ended up playing cards this time.

Wish everyday could be this relaxing,
only live for laughter, for health and for enjoyments.

torsdag den 2. juli 2009

cosy times

These days are probably the happiest in this year.
I've got to read some, to hang out with friends, to drink a bit,
and so many other things without burdens.
It's such a wonderful time when one can do whatever they want,
the weather outside is super nice.
Seeing silver lining when walking on the bridge,
I remember you singing
"I won't cry when the silver lining shows".

Two days ago I was at 7.1 rally.
This summer is particularly hot,
so our spirits grow high too.
We walked along the road, from Causeway Bay to Central,
drinking beer, dancing and singing a bit.
I treasure the chance of going to demonstration,
knowing it'll be gone in some time.

These days I am listening to new age and classical music,
those are wonderful relaxing times.
Lying on couch and listening to spanish guitar music,
is probably the cosiest thing to do in this summer.