fredag den 27. februar 2009
torsdag den 26. februar 2009
穿便服上學令我彷如回到去年, 其實感覺不大, 但身邊人們很高興。
身上的Maximilian Hecker沒有人認識, 只當普通print一個。
少不免會跟大夥評頭品足, 但驚喜原來來自高中的多。
原來十天前No and the Maybes已經給我回了信,
但冰島和姆明已入必看之列, 希望今年不會太辛苦。
身上的Maximilian Hecker沒有人認識, 只當普通print一個。
少不免會跟大夥評頭品足, 但驚喜原來來自高中的多。
原來十天前No and the Maybes已經給我回了信,
但冰島和姆明已入必看之列, 希望今年不會太辛苦。
tirsdag den 24. februar 2009
mandag den 23. februar 2009
和你一口氣聊了四小時, 猶如放了個香屁般痛快。
遠至小學, 近至桃花, 無聊不談,
很快樂的一個下午, 大家笑得合不攏嘴。
奧斯卡是荷里活版勁歌金曲, 我知道,
遠至小學, 近至桃花, 無聊不談,
很快樂的一個下午, 大家笑得合不攏嘴。
奧斯卡是荷里活版勁歌金曲, 我知道,
søndag den 22. februar 2009
Brain works like a machine looping all the bad memories, with sound and visual, to make sure I know they're all real.
Brain works like a machine looping all the bad memories, with sound and visual, to make sure I know they're all real.
tirsdag den 17. februar 2009
Wiseman video competition
Thank you!Your team has been registered!
We will be in touch via the email address you supplied.
Please send a cheque to Wiseman Education Limited (payable to Wiseman Education Limited) Attn: Mr Eric Yiu (12 School Street, Tai Hang, Hong Kong)Please write the name of your school, your name, class, contact no. and email on the back of the cheque.
Fees: Think Great and Think Positive: HK$20 per teamThink Again: HK$50 per team (includes Final DVD for each team member)
We will be in touch via the email address you supplied.
Please send a cheque to Wiseman Education Limited (payable to Wiseman Education Limited) Attn: Mr Eric Yiu (12 School Street, Tai Hang, Hong Kong)Please write the name of your school, your name, class, contact no. and email on the back of the cheque.
Fees: Think Great and Think Positive: HK$20 per teamThink Again: HK$50 per team (includes Final DVD for each team member)
我擠進了人群, 悄悄地跟著大眾從地鐵站大踏步往前走。經過那熟悉的果汁店, 越過那幾條繁忙的馬路, 左穿右插, 身邊事物由摩登的大樓逐漸轉為殘落的唐樓 - 原來, 我已經走進一條時光隧道, 帶領我回到那曾經糜爛的六七十年代, 尋找被遺忘的另一個世界。
這是下午三時許, 街上帶點寧靜。曾經在上世紀打滾的人, 於白天躲進這街道, 身上只穿著白汗衣, 圍著那殘舊小木桌在士多前促膝談心, 細說當年。店裡傳來麻雀耍樂的聲音, 夾雜著一陣陣竊竊私語。所有人, 都在這裡找到了友誼和一絲慰藉。
不是嗎? 身在這七百萬人口的都市中, 家家戶戶把門關上, 安穩地窩在四面牆兩扇窗的空間內, 還加上一扇上鎖的閘門。中國人的和諧到哪去了? 我出雞他出鵝已成一段美談, 不閉戶把酒談已為一段佳話。給五十層樓高的新 大廈包圍著的我們, 感受到的並不是高傲的優越感, 而是一層心鎖, 一種壓抑。唯有這兒, 人才能重拾久違了的鄰里關係。在圓桌上, 不分你我高低, 放幾支啤酒, 談天說地, 是我們曾經做過的, 是我們應該重拾的。現代版的桃花源記, 就由這兒開始。
沿途走著, 小販已開始擺檔, 人們開始各有各忙。在這微冷的冬天下午, 我竄進街尾的美都餐室, 期盼一小頓休閒的下午茶。微黃的牆紙, 藍色的小瓷磚, 殘舊的三葉扇, 造就了另一個時代的空間。伙計親切地問我點什麼, 我不客氣地問「谷咕」是什麼, 有什麼是最好吃。她並沒有不勝其煩, 而且幫我下了一杯奶茶和多士。這是個人情味濃厚的小天地, 挺著大肚子的老翁們在喝下午茶下棋, 伙計慵懶的跟客人搭上一兩句。儘管古時的茶和點心已變成了港式的奶茶和多士, 喝茶閒聊的傳統習慣仍餘留, 瀰漫於上一輩這一代之中。可惜, 又有幾多人懂得欣賞這生活哲學, 而不把之單視作填飽肚子的時間空隙?
我嘆氣。除了這兒, 我找不到一個重情比重吃的地方。五分鐘內匆匆吞下三文治, 然後又趕去工作, 連對面是坐著何許人也懵然不知, 是現代社會的通病。我們曾經重人情的文化, 如今已被勞碌趕命的生活吞噬, 只剩下那黑髮黃膚的皮殼, 失去了一直珍而重之的人情味。一對伴侶, 一個家庭, 一個組織, 一個社會, 一個國家之間能夠維繫, 在於坐下吃飯, 打開心窗談話。在城市明亮光潔的咖啡廳內, 人人低頭忙碌; 在舊街古老的餐室內, 我才能夠聽到人的談話聲。
這是下午三時許, 街上帶點寧靜。曾經在上世紀打滾的人, 於白天躲進這街道, 身上只穿著白汗衣, 圍著那殘舊小木桌在士多前促膝談心, 細說當年。店裡傳來麻雀耍樂的聲音, 夾雜著一陣陣竊竊私語。所有人, 都在這裡找到了友誼和一絲慰藉。
不是嗎? 身在這七百萬人口的都市中, 家家戶戶把門關上, 安穩地窩在四面牆兩扇窗的空間內, 還加上一扇上鎖的閘門。中國人的和諧到哪去了? 我出雞他出鵝已成一段美談, 不閉戶把酒談已為一段佳話。給五十層樓高的新 大廈包圍著的我們, 感受到的並不是高傲的優越感, 而是一層心鎖, 一種壓抑。唯有這兒, 人才能重拾久違了的鄰里關係。在圓桌上, 不分你我高低, 放幾支啤酒, 談天說地, 是我們曾經做過的, 是我們應該重拾的。現代版的桃花源記, 就由這兒開始。
沿途走著, 小販已開始擺檔, 人們開始各有各忙。在這微冷的冬天下午, 我竄進街尾的美都餐室, 期盼一小頓休閒的下午茶。微黃的牆紙, 藍色的小瓷磚, 殘舊的三葉扇, 造就了另一個時代的空間。伙計親切地問我點什麼, 我不客氣地問「谷咕」是什麼, 有什麼是最好吃。她並沒有不勝其煩, 而且幫我下了一杯奶茶和多士。這是個人情味濃厚的小天地, 挺著大肚子的老翁們在喝下午茶下棋, 伙計慵懶的跟客人搭上一兩句。儘管古時的茶和點心已變成了港式的奶茶和多士, 喝茶閒聊的傳統習慣仍餘留, 瀰漫於上一輩這一代之中。可惜, 又有幾多人懂得欣賞這生活哲學, 而不把之單視作填飽肚子的時間空隙?
我嘆氣。除了這兒, 我找不到一個重情比重吃的地方。五分鐘內匆匆吞下三文治, 然後又趕去工作, 連對面是坐著何許人也懵然不知, 是現代社會的通病。我們曾經重人情的文化, 如今已被勞碌趕命的生活吞噬, 只剩下那黑髮黃膚的皮殼, 失去了一直珍而重之的人情味。一對伴侶, 一個家庭, 一個組織, 一個社會, 一個國家之間能夠維繫, 在於坐下吃飯, 打開心窗談話。在城市明亮光潔的咖啡廳內, 人人低頭忙碌; 在舊街古老的餐室內, 我才能夠聽到人的談話聲。
I'm so sick of people, especially finns.
I'm so sick of people, espeically facebook-lovers.
I'm so sick of people, especially francisians.
so let's dive, don't come back.
I'm so sick of people, espeically facebook-lovers.
I'm so sick of people, especially francisians.
so let's dive, don't come back.
mandag den 16. februar 2009
It has always been like a dream.
Everyday I wake up I don't feel real.
Guess I am not awake, over these years.
It is worse than taking drugs, or having hangover.
She said she was worried, she missed me, and she cared for me.
I said things not really from my heart but bad temper.
Today we walked together arm in arm for tea,
I felt like revived again.
The guy whom I met 3 times is leaving for home tomorrow,
all the memories of him are quite dreamy,
and I can't remember them all.
Life is a dream, as I said.
No one can remember every tiny thing in life,
yesterday was always like a dream.
Today I wrote about Metamorphosis by Kafka,
and my brain went blank.
It is hard to transfer feelings to actual words.
the fear and the emptiness are not good themes of a school assignment,
in which positive attitude is expected.
Everyday I wake up I don't feel real.
Guess I am not awake, over these years.
It is worse than taking drugs, or having hangover.
She said she was worried, she missed me, and she cared for me.
I said things not really from my heart but bad temper.
Today we walked together arm in arm for tea,
I felt like revived again.
The guy whom I met 3 times is leaving for home tomorrow,
all the memories of him are quite dreamy,
and I can't remember them all.
Life is a dream, as I said.
No one can remember every tiny thing in life,
yesterday was always like a dream.
Today I wrote about Metamorphosis by Kafka,
and my brain went blank.
It is hard to transfer feelings to actual words.
the fear and the emptiness are not good themes of a school assignment,
in which positive attitude is expected.
søndag den 15. februar 2009
I'm certain that
we're running away from it,
we're hiding from it,
we're skipping all of those.
Emptiness permeates in that balcony,
even though lights are shining and people are talking.
But it was myself who made it,
so I am a partypooper.
we're running away from it,
we're hiding from it,
we're skipping all of those.
Emptiness permeates in that balcony,
even though lights are shining and people are talking.
But it was myself who made it,
so I am a partypooper.
torsdag den 12. februar 2009
Quotes from Apparatjik
1. "I am almost finished making on/off switches for everything"
2. "Too many maniacs, not enough Michelangelo's"
3. "That's 1.7 seconds of your life you'll never get back"
4. "Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images"
5. "There aren 't nearly enough crutches for all the lame excuses in the world"
6. "Be careful of your thoughts, they may become words at any moment"
7. "Resistance is futile"
8. "Laughter and ridicule are the most potent weapons of the revolution"
9. "I ran up the stairs. But first I stood and considered things. I then ran up the stairs"
10. "A pityful place with pityful people"
11. "Fuck them all, always, for ever"
12. "How can you know what to pay when you have no bloody idea of what it’s worth?"
13. "I am not a man who is cheered by drink. I don’t sing or make jokes or chase girls, nor do I stagger or speak thickly I become remote – possibly somewhat glassy-eyed. But I do manage to blunt the edge of that heavy axe that seems always to be chopping away at the roots of my being"
14. "Thinking is mental masturbation"
15."For things at a common destination there is a common path. Not always easy to see. But there."
16. "Where are you now that I am growing away from you?"
17. "Time plays on the opposite team."
18. "Stately silence"
19. "Nothing is interesting if you are not interested"
20. "With most disguises, the cover-up is worse than honest flaw"
21. "Only one gets in the door"
22. "Why must we have duplicates"
23. "Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due"
24. "If you don 't know where you 're going, any road will take you there"
25. "Everywhere from here leads away"
26. "Sometimes I walk up to your door and do not knock"
27. "25% of children have imaginary companions, 10% have real friends."
28. "Stop following yourself around like a lost puppy"
29. "Everyone says fuck you but no one keeps their word"
30. "Erase your facebook profile - this is not friendship"
31. "Dreams do not foretell the future they reveal states of mind in which the future may be implicit."
32. "Paranoia panorama"
33. "I am something worse than a romantic. I am a sentimentalist"
34. "Fanaticism is overcompensation for doubt"
35. "Whenever my grandmother felt a little unhappy she baked cookies. Try it"
36. "I have forgotten what we talked about, so I will just nod..."
37. "The only thing that can save us now is japanese food, especially black cod"
38. "I miss you. I know we have never met, but I miss you"
39. "There are two kinds of pepole in this world: the ones I don 't like, and the ones who don 't like me"
40. "The more time I spend with my dog, the less I like people"
41. "Not everything is alright"
42. "I am jetlagged. Jetlagged am I."
2. "Too many maniacs, not enough Michelangelo's"
3. "That's 1.7 seconds of your life you'll never get back"
4. "Mirrors should reflect a little before throwing back images"
5. "There aren 't nearly enough crutches for all the lame excuses in the world"
6. "Be careful of your thoughts, they may become words at any moment"
7. "Resistance is futile"
8. "Laughter and ridicule are the most potent weapons of the revolution"
9. "I ran up the stairs. But first I stood and considered things. I then ran up the stairs"
10. "A pityful place with pityful people"
11. "Fuck them all, always, for ever"
12. "How can you know what to pay when you have no bloody idea of what it’s worth?"
13. "I am not a man who is cheered by drink. I don’t sing or make jokes or chase girls, nor do I stagger or speak thickly I become remote – possibly somewhat glassy-eyed. But I do manage to blunt the edge of that heavy axe that seems always to be chopping away at the roots of my being"
14. "Thinking is mental masturbation"
15."For things at a common destination there is a common path. Not always easy to see. But there."
16. "Where are you now that I am growing away from you?"
17. "Time plays on the opposite team."
18. "Stately silence"
19. "Nothing is interesting if you are not interested"
20. "With most disguises, the cover-up is worse than honest flaw"
21. "Only one gets in the door"
22. "Why must we have duplicates"
23. "Worry is interest paid on trouble before it falls due"
24. "If you don 't know where you 're going, any road will take you there"
25. "Everywhere from here leads away"
26. "Sometimes I walk up to your door and do not knock"
27. "25% of children have imaginary companions, 10% have real friends."
28. "Stop following yourself around like a lost puppy"
29. "Everyone says fuck you but no one keeps their word"
30. "Erase your facebook profile - this is not friendship"
31. "Dreams do not foretell the future they reveal states of mind in which the future may be implicit."
32. "Paranoia panorama"
33. "I am something worse than a romantic. I am a sentimentalist"
34. "Fanaticism is overcompensation for doubt"
35. "Whenever my grandmother felt a little unhappy she baked cookies. Try it"
36. "I have forgotten what we talked about, so I will just nod..."
37. "The only thing that can save us now is japanese food, especially black cod"
38. "I miss you. I know we have never met, but I miss you"
39. "There are two kinds of pepole in this world: the ones I don 't like, and the ones who don 't like me"
40. "The more time I spend with my dog, the less I like people"
41. "Not everything is alright"
42. "I am jetlagged. Jetlagged am I."
tirsdag den 10. februar 2009
smart lyrics
"From a plane that flies really high
I can see the stars fill the sky
But we don't care about that
We are not scared of it
Maybe I'll see you again
Maybe I'll trust in a friend
I'll wait until there's you"
Someone please save me from him.
I can see the stars fill the sky
But we don't care about that
We are not scared of it
Maybe I'll see you again
Maybe I'll trust in a friend
I'll wait until there's you"
Someone please save me from him.
søndag den 8. februar 2009
現在是凌晨四時, 我悶得發慌要寫日誌。
睡不著, 頭很痛, 肚子不舒服, 已經吃了麵喝過豆漿但感覺仍然很空虛。
聽著Mogwai發出的嘈音, 心好像被撕開了兩半。
心知道連續第三次不交功課是不當, 但卻沒有動力去做。
我在反思這幾天做過的事, 很青春沒錯, 很快樂沒錯;
好了, 現在播完了Mogwai, 換來了約拿斯, 另一首很讓人心碎的歌。
聽說今年六月他們將會回歸, 我期待又一次的震撼。
忽然覺得上一年的衝動真的很傻, 然而下個月我會慶祝一週年,
3月19日, 逃不掉。
睡不著, 頭很痛, 肚子不舒服, 已經吃了麵喝過豆漿但感覺仍然很空虛。
聽著Mogwai發出的嘈音, 心好像被撕開了兩半。
心知道連續第三次不交功課是不當, 但卻沒有動力去做。
我在反思這幾天做過的事, 很青春沒錯, 很快樂沒錯;
好了, 現在播完了Mogwai, 換來了約拿斯, 另一首很讓人心碎的歌。
聽說今年六月他們將會回歸, 我期待又一次的震撼。
忽然覺得上一年的衝動真的很傻, 然而下個月我會慶祝一週年,
3月19日, 逃不掉。
torsdag den 5. februar 2009
Quick meeting and Sports Day
難得下午放飯與朋友相聚, 遲到了三刻鐘我也在所不計。
可恨的是面對著她, 我竟然一時語塞,
在內心很強烈的感覺, 不懂得用言語來表達。
我很愛這位好老友, 也祝福她這兩個月會過得流暢順利。
陸運會對我來說是件頗陳舊的事, 畢竟有兩年沒有來。
我的眼睛會不自覺地溜到那邊, 想起以前很多種種,
每一次總是有種力量, 叫我為這個好朋友喝采。
可恨的是面對著她, 我竟然一時語塞,
在內心很強烈的感覺, 不懂得用言語來表達。
我很愛這位好老友, 也祝福她這兩個月會過得流暢順利。
陸運會對我來說是件頗陳舊的事, 畢竟有兩年沒有來。
我的眼睛會不自覺地溜到那邊, 想起以前很多種種,
每一次總是有種力量, 叫我為這個好朋友喝采。
onsdag den 4. februar 2009
任性地放了自己一個半月假, 今天再次上學仍未習慣;
那是一個很壓抑的密室, 坐在班房有如不斷比針吉。
晚上在聽挪威國的方便之王, 終於不再覺得十分徬徨;
於是不自覺的拿起結他嘗試彈, 邊唱邊笑其實不難。
那是一個很壓抑的密室, 坐在班房有如不斷比針吉。
晚上在聽挪威國的方便之王, 終於不再覺得十分徬徨;
於是不自覺的拿起結他嘗試彈, 邊唱邊笑其實不難。
mandag den 2. februar 2009
上午拿回了身份證, 於是可到圖書館領取早前預約的「挪威的森林」, 我現在懷疑自己是否真的要看, 真的想看。
袋裡除了挪威的森林外, 還有一本買了一段時間卻未看完的書, 叫做The Heart is a Lonely Hunter。昨晚在床上讀到一段頗喜歡:
"There are those who know and those who don't know. And for every ten thousand who don't know there's only one who knows. That's the miracle of all time - the fact that these millions know so much but don't know this. "
我遇過無數人, 最後只有你懂。縱使有很多人跟我有共同興趣, 也知道很多事情, 但最後還是只有你一個了解。而在千千萬萬人當中, 有緣份的還是你和我。現在我很清楚那個曇花一現的人是那千萬的一份子。
我今天很高興, 好像過去這一個月都是一場夢而已。
袋裡除了挪威的森林外, 還有一本買了一段時間卻未看完的書, 叫做The Heart is a Lonely Hunter。昨晚在床上讀到一段頗喜歡:
"There are those who know and those who don't know. And for every ten thousand who don't know there's only one who knows. That's the miracle of all time - the fact that these millions know so much but don't know this. "
我遇過無數人, 最後只有你懂。縱使有很多人跟我有共同興趣, 也知道很多事情, 但最後還是只有你一個了解。而在千千萬萬人當中, 有緣份的還是你和我。現在我很清楚那個曇花一現的人是那千萬的一份子。
我今天很高興, 好像過去這一個月都是一場夢而已。
søndag den 1. februar 2009
That night I told her that I missed her,
but she was not ready.
Today I was told that I was the only one for her,
and I am glad.
The crack is no longer a crack, but a scar
to let us remember how terrible it is to lose someone.
It sounds chessy but I really mean it.
but she was not ready.
Today I was told that I was the only one for her,
and I am glad.
The crack is no longer a crack, but a scar
to let us remember how terrible it is to lose someone.
It sounds chessy but I really mean it.
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